Managed Cloud Hosting And Cloud Server Pricing

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Dedicated Server Hosting Solutions And Cloud Server Hosting Services

Deploy scalable, fully managed data center services for maximum uptime! With a minimum setup, experience the best in web hosting services.

Compute Instance Pricing

Instance Size RAM CPUs Min. CPU ECU** $/hour $/mo***
M5 Small 2GB 1 650MHz 1 $0.016438356 $12
M5 Medium 4GB 2 1GHz 3 $0.049315068 $36
M5 Large 8GB 4 1GHz 6 $0.098630137 $72
M5 XLarge 16GB 4 2GHz 12 $0.197260274 $144
M5 2XLarge 32GB 8 2GHz 24 $0.394520548 $288
M5 4XLarge 64GB 16 2GHz 48 $0.789041096 $576
M5 8XLarge 120GB 24 2GHz 64-84 $1.578082192 $1152

Additional Resources

Resource Hourly On-Demand $/mo***
Standard Block Storage $0.000068493 /GB/hr $0.05 /GB/mo
Standard Disk I/O FREE FREE
Template Storage $0.000068493 /GB/hr $0.05 /GB/mo
Snapshot Storage $0.00003425 /GB/hr $0.025 /GB/mo
Inbound Internet Transfer FREE FREE
Outbound Internet Transfer $0.07 /GB $0.07 /GB
Internet IP Addresses (IPv4) $0.005 /hr each $3.65 /mo each
IP Addresses (RFC 1918) FREE FREE

Template Prices

Template Hourly On-Demand $ / mo***
Alma Linux 8 FREE FREE
Alma Linux 8 w/ cPanel $0.03/hr $21.90/mo
CentOS 7 with cPanel $0.03/hr $21.90/mo
Debian 10 FREE FREE
Debian 11 FREE FREE
Rocky 8 w/ cPanel $0.03/hr $21.90/mo
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS FREE FREE
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS FREE FREE
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS FREE FREE
Windows 2012R2 $0.03/hr $21.90/mo
Windows 2012R2 with MS SQL Server Standard (4 cores) $0.40/hr $292.00/mo
Windows 2016 $0.03/hr $21.90/mo
Windows 2019 $0.03/hr $21.90/mo

*Note on Templates: Our standard templates are built with 100GB root disks, which are billed at the standard $0.068493/TB/hour (about $5/mo for 100GB). You can make your own templates, with a different size root disk to suit your needs. You can also add additional data disks.

** An ECU is a measure of CPU power used by a leading provider. There is a very vague definition of the metric, but we have done our best to provide a conservative equivalent estimate of the minimum CPU power for each of our instance sizes.

*** Price based on 730 hour month. A 30 day month is 720 hours. However, over the course of a non-leap year, a month averages 730 hours. All resources are billed hourly. This monthly price is for reference.

Note: All accounts have some default resource limits in place. You may request this limit to be raised by contacting support. There is no cost to increase this limit and customers in good standing can expect a very rapid response to such requests. Currently, the default limits per account are: 100GB RAM, 4TB Standard Disk Block Storage. The network interface is limited to 250Mbps *only for “M5 Small” instances*, all others are unlimited.